Closing of a branch / representative office
PRIORITET Law Firm renders services for closing branches and representative offices of foreign legal entities in the Russian Federation and their deregistration.

You call us or leave a request

You come to our office with a set of available documents

3 We develop a closing strategy

Your branch / representative office is liquidated
- Advice on the procedure and stages of closing a branch/representative office
- Preparation of documents for closing the representative office (decision on liquidation, power of attorney for the liquidator)
- Preparation of the set of documents required to notify Federal Tax Service Inspectorate No. 47, Pension Fund of the Russian Federation and Social Insurance Fund about the closure of a representative office
- Instructions for closing a representative office/branch and for its deregisterion from Federal Tax Service Inspectorate No. 47 and non-budget funds
- Supporting the procedure for closing a branch/representative office in state authorities (Federal Tax Service Inspectorate No. 47, Federal Tax Service, Social Insurance Fund)
- Work on tax reconciliations, reconciliations on settlements with non-budget funds
- Dismissal of employees of a branch/representative office in accordance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation
Today, when there are constant changes in the legislation, registration rules and tax code regulations, such a complicated procedure as closing a branch / representative office can be completed only by qualified legal specialists.
PRIORITET company offers its services on closing a branch / representative office of foreign legal entities in the Russian Federation.
Call us and we will give you
advice on the accreditation of branches and representative offices.

+7 (495) 987-18-50